Friday, June 5, 2015


At every phase of the past almost three months, in my head I always thought that Will being a Candio would just never come.  This is all part of my insane strategy in trying not to get my hopes up about anything, and is mainly why I have been so hesitant to post anything about last week until it was over, but the fat lady has sung!  Ladies and gents, hell week has come to an end for Will and he passed all four tests!!  This afternoon he will be a Candio opening his big box of goodies! I truly can't believe that in 22 days he will be graduating from OCS.

Last week started off with probably the toughest part of his tests, 8th week inspection.  Word on the street was that it was easier than the RLP but tougher than 6th week inspection.  While they were not screaming and doing pushups, they were quizzed on their knowledge while their room and uniform were inspected.  They wore their "whites" that they will be wearing at graduation, and frankly just the thought makes me weak at the knees.  Next up on Wednesday was a physical fitness test which they do every 3 weeks, where they run 1.5 miles and do 2 minutes of sit up and push ups.  He missed his personal goal by 15 seconds on the run and 1 sit up but met the passing score just fine!  Thursday was the navigation exam and another exam on Friday, and he ended up with a 94 on both.  Is this real life??  From that point it was just waiting to become Candios!!

Can I tell you how hard it was to put so much effort into this Candio box knowing that any one of these tests could mean another roll?  That was not how God intended this time to be though, He wanted me to trust solely in Him knowing that whatever his plan was for Will that it would have purpose and be so much better than my plan.  I know God did not want to see me so terrified to celebrate any one victory because I was so fearful that the next test could mean a huge set back.  Working on the box this week was me stepping out in faith and not fear!

While I am not crafty or artsy by any stretch of the imagination, I did have a lot of fun decorating and filling the box this week.  It was almost like a "how well do you know your husband test".  I would like to think I did pretty well and thought a little outside of what I like and more about the things that would make WIll giddy and prompt me to roll my eyes.  Being away from your LO can give you a whole different outlook on those annoying, gross and immature things that your husband just can't seem to get enough of.  

Here is the finished project before it got stuffed to the brim with junk!

Will has a bit of a man crush on Ron Swanson, so he most definitely made an appearance in the box.  I found this silly little card on Etsy!

In the midst of many pictures of us and the boys, I had to throw in our favorite movie.  While I couldn't actually send a movie, I figured this was the next best thing.  Will took me to see The Five Year Engagement on one of our first dates and it has always been one of my favorites. I glued our heads to Chris Pratt and Allison Brie's body in case you were wondering why they were looking extra attractive in this picture.  Hehe  

Luckily Will tried to get me to watch all of his annoying shows enough for me not to forget them.  He loves Archer and made "Danger Zone" his ring tone for about 3 months, so that obviously made it on the box.  Ron Swanson also made a second appearance and I found the logo for Rhett and Link.  It is some random YouTube talk show that Will would always watch before bed.  You may be wondering what in the world I made that "W" out of and decorated most of this part of the box with…..yes that is bacon.  I found these little bacon stickers and thought it would be a perfect touch for a dude box! 

Finally, here is what we will cram Will's box full with; lots and lots of junk food!  Candy, fruit snacks, beef jerky, cookies, brownies, and more cookies.  He might have a stomach ache after eating most of this but I know these are definitely the way to the heart of Will Fitts.  I wish I could be there to see everyones faces when they get to open their boxes! What a happy day!

Hopefully this post either inspired LOs for future Candio Boxes, or inspired a reader to run to the store and grab some Oreos, either way I would call it a win! 

Thank y'all so so much for all of your prayers, as always.  I do not think any of us could have gotten to this point without all of the support, encouraging words, prayers and lots of Jesus!! 

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