Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Graduation Pt 2

Just when I thought giving birth might keep me from ever finishing telling our little tale of graduation in Newport, I decided to pick back up and finish in the hopes of inducing labor.

Saturday morning snuck up super quickly as all the families were invited to come watch class 13-15 in their final PT session.  It started promptly at 6:30 which might be sleeping in for all of our friends at OCS but for wives and toddler who are used to sleeping till 8:30 it felt like the middle of the night.  Fortunately, it was beautiful that morning and the anticipation of graduation put a little pep in our step.  It was exciting to see the whole group doing push ups bear crawls knowing that they have done this almost every day for the last 4 months and that this would be the last time to do it together.  The whole run and PT session took only 15 minutes or so and we were all greeted by our sweaty sailors who had a little free time to grab donuts before the big event.  I consider myself a bit of a donut snob having lived in Memphis for almost 10 years and having experienced Gibson's on a pretty regular basis.  However, I was blown away by how good "Ma's" Donuts were in Newport, so yummy!! If you are ever in Newport you must give it a try.  I thought my husband was experiencing it for the first time with me but it turns out, Ma's caters to the chapel on base for church every Sunday, so he got to enjoy them once a week!

We dropped Will back off for the last time and headed back to the hotel to take a quick nap before graduation.  My sister and I may or may not have bought our graduation dresses during week seven of OCS for Will, and spent days staring at them so excited to wear them!   However, by the time we were getting ready for the ceremony I would have been content with wearing a burlap sack!

We pulled up to the field just as the class was lining up to march across to the field.  They all looked so official in their dress whites and don't you know the second we walk up Little Will started with pointing and shouting "DA, DA, DA".  He had no idea which man he was pointing to but surely his daddy was in there somewhere.  I had underestimated what a special experience the whole ceremony would be.  The band was set up in uniform and the front of the field had a platform where their class team sat, and they even had a special entrance for the Captain who was the guest of honor.

Then came our Ensigns, it was surreal to see them marching across the field in perfect unison to the music.  Luckily Little Will thought the music was perfect for dancing in between his continued "DA" shouts every 2 minutes, just in case anyone forgot his Daddy was out there.  He did great until he didn't…about 10 minutes before the ceremony ended we started a two year old tantrum.  I quickly found the stroller and resorted to some snacks to keep him quiet in fear any of the nearby Drill Instructors might put me on my face for having the screaming child.  Just as little man settled down I got to pay back attention to Will and all of his classmates take their oath to office.  In a matter of second the season that was so tough and felt so long came to an end as they cheered and tossed their covers(hats) in the air.  Thanks to sunglasses I fought back the tears quickly enough for no one to noticed, but left alone may have just found a corner and sobbed happy tears.  This was by far the most emotional moment of the whole trip and no one around me knew it because I didn't want to be the weepy pregnant girl and knew pictures still had to be taken!

We waited a few minutes while the class to proper pictures and then were greeted by our favorite guy.  It was the perfect moment for a salute! We were able to snap some pictures and pick up Wills last paperwork, then headed to downtown Newport to celebrate with lunch.  It was just as I had pictured.  We found a local, cute spot on the water and all gorged ourselves on lobster rolls and fruity cocktails(or virgin pina coladas in my case).  It was nothing fussy but just a relaxing afternoon and a big sigh of relief with some of my favorite people.  Little man was surprisingly well behaved and we got to walk around downtown for a little while checking out all of the cute shops Newport had to offer.  I wish we didn't have the impending "lets hope Chelsea doesn't go into labor in Rhode Island" worry otherwise I would have loved to have spent a few more days checking out this precious town.  I didn't mind one bit missing out knowing that we got to change into comfy clothes and head home with my best friend on board!

Oh yeah! I almost completely left y'all hanging on the next step for us.  Just an hour before graduation started Will called me informing me he had finally received his orders.  For the next 19 weeks he will be recruiting in Philly several days a week until he reports to Power School in December.  This is such an answer to prayer since OHARP will allow him to be home and working a normal schedule as Baby #2 arrives.  We will also be blessed with the help of my big crazy family as we will continue to stay with them for the next few months in South Jersey.  Just another reminder that God is so good and His timing is PERFECT!

As I sit here writing this two and a half weeks later, I still sit in awe of the way God perfected the timing of everything that has happened to our family in these past few months.  OCS was by far one of the toughest times Will and I have faced as a couple but by far the most rewarding.  It has given us such an appreciation for the smallest moments spent together.  The past two weeks have been filled with sleeping in and enjoying the beach, waterpark and all the unhealthy food New Jersey has to offer.    I feel so undeserving of all of the blessing God has planted in my path and am so grateful for the lessons learned.  I truly don't know what I am going to do when I have THREE boys making my heart full.  Given that my due  date is today, here is to hoping we become a family of four sooner rather than later!!

As always, I am blown away by the love and support of all of our friends and family.  Thank y'all so much for praying for us, reaching out, and encouraging us at every step.  God has surrounded us with some amazing folks!!

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