Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Letter to my 6 Month Old

My Crawford,

I know that everyone says that you find room in your heart to love a second child as much as your first but I don't completely agree with that.  I am more than convinced that in July I grew another heart entirely.  Life with you in it has made us all so content.  We prayed so hard for you.  The wait for your life was such a learning time for your Dad and I.  God bended us and made us trust Him before we were blessed with the news of your little self.  The timing was more perfect than we could have imagined. You were the perfect piece to our puzzle,and were created as a part of God's sweet vision for the Fitts.  In a year full of highs and lows, you have been the sweet treat in the middle.  In 2015, you were what we were either looking forward to or what we were enjoying immensely.

I guess you could say that if I were to ever have a child with myself, that he would look a little something like you.  It has been so fun to have a little Will running around , and now to have a mini Chelsea to hold and snuggle has me over the moon!  I am very sorry you didn't get a more endearing nickname, Mr. Squishy.  After your 35 week ultrasound we noticed how terribly "squished" your little face was in the picture.  Furthermore, after discovering what a pudgy newborn you were, the name sort of stuck.  Maybe it will wear off.... However, when you aren't being referred to as squishy, your real name suits you just as well.  While we thought some other nick names might come from it, you seem to be very much a Crawford.  I don't know what makes someone a Crawford but you, my darling, are certainly one.

I'm not quite sure when the new baby feeling will wear off, but I am certain I don't want it to.  I am well aware of how fast a newborn turns into a two year old and it makes me just want to hang on to every last moment I can and spend it kissing your fat face.  It has been amazing to see you go from the sleepy and snuggly newborn to a giggling, cheesin, squealing baby!  These past six months are mind blowing when you think about how much your little body is growing, changing and learning.

There is no better experience on the planet than going to greet you after a nap.  You barely crack your eyes open before you are grinning ear to ear, kicking those legs like they just might lift you from the crib.  Your little non existent top lip makes you look like a little turtle.  I can only pray you are always this happy to see me when you wake up.

At about three months old you developed a need for a bit more attention.  You are easy to please though, a simple man who just need a warm body to look at and chat with.  This is not limited to me or even people you know.  A smile or hello from a perfect stranger at Target will get that smile going in a jiff!

While you have many strengths, I also have to touch on your one weakness.  Sweet boy, bless it, you do not like to sleep at night!  You are pretty solid when it comes to naps but the sun goes down and you become the most alert and hungry bed partner I ever did meet.  Yes, I have probably created this monster with giving in and putting you in bed with us.  What can I say, the "please hold me" shriek you let out just kills me!  I'm a sucker, I know.  However, at six months old, I would like to think we can improve on this a little.  While the 2am party bus is exhausting, I know there will be a day that I don't have a baby to snuggle back to sleep in the middle of the night so I am going to enjoy the parts that I know I will miss.  

You love your brother.  While the feeling is not always mutual, you absolutely light up the second you hear him start to babble about trucks or say "Hiiiiii".  Lately, you have started to grab onto his clothes and pull yourself over close enough to rub your gums on him.  At that point he'll give you a swift nudge to get you to stop but that is usually followed by a squeal of joy.  You are just elated that he was showing you some sort of attention.  I know it is not a fun time for Will but it is too cute not to watch.  I foresee quite a few WWE moments in our future!

Over the past month you have become so active.  You roll and scoot EVERYWHERE.  Even though you aren't crawling yet, I wouldn't even refer to you as immobile anymore.  You will work for 20 minutes to scoot over to the truck will left on the floor, in the hopes that you just found your next teething toy.  You have been gnawing on everything and anything you can get your hands on.  While we keep thinking a tooth will pop through any day, I secretly pray that day is not too soon upon us.  I just love a gummy smile.

A department that you and brother differ so much in is eating.  While he wasn't great at nursing and was not all that enamored with food, you win the piggy award!  He eats to live and you live to eat, which has very much contributed to your "soft" figure.  While we haven't started solids(yet), you grab at our food whenever it is in arm's reach.  You love nursing.  I am certain you would eat all day long if I let you.  You are the loudest eater and your little nursing noises are my favorite.  That content little grunt just makes me feel like I'm doing something right.  I think there is somewhat of a snorting sound in there as you gulp and breath super loud but it is the sweetest.  Rocking and nursing at night are my favorite, its uninterrupted and oh so quiet.  

You are quite possibly the happiest baby I have ever encountered.  Everyone who knows you comments on what an easy baby you are.  I just love your jolly little "go with the flow" spirit, truly fitting the personality of a second child.  I am always amazed at the way you can make me feel like the only person that matters in the world.  Granted, I am your walking, talking food supply but you make me feel important nonetheless. The past six months have been such an adventure and while you growing is bittersweet, I am so looking forward to all the firsts we have ahead of us.

Thank you for being so patient with me and letting me learn how to keep my head above water raising two littles.  I wish I had more time to soak in the (what feels like ) seconds of this stage of life, but thank you for being the nudge to slow everything down and live in the present.  There is a very short season where I am able to just sit cheek to cheek with you and smell your sweet baby scent and kiss those cheeks incessantly.  I pray that you stay a Mama's boy forever.  You make my heart sing precious boy.  I love you so....

Happy Half Birthday!